
Employee Favoritism: Can You Avoid Legal Backlash?

May 18, 2013

Companies use corporate team events to increase morale and facilitate an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. Unfortunately, it does not always work that way. There are often variations of employee favoritism in team building, and something like being selected last for a sports team, or excluded from the event altogether, is an unpleasant, albeit […]

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Investment Property Fire: How to Cope With Tenants?

January 4, 2013

(US commercial property laws) Investors make investment decisions by weighing the risk against the potential reward. Owners of investment properties are often at risk of property damage whether through negligence, vandalism, or acts of God. Relationships between property owners and tenants can be controversial if damage to the property occurs; repairs to an office can […]

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Counterfeit Goods are Big Business: Until You Are Caught

December 4, 2012

(US law and generally) Branding is an important part of any business strategy. Building a brand requires a sophisticated marketing campaign and a dedication to quality, which takes time and money. Purveyors of counterfeit goods will often target companies that build reputations on high quality products, as high quality branded goods are often expensive, and […]

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