Catastrophic Events Reveal that Disparity in Insurance Penetration Levels is Global

October 11, 2012

Aon Benfield, a global reinsurance intermediary, recently released its August edition of the Global Catastrophe Recap report. The report, published by the company’s catastrophe modeling arm known as Impact Forecasting, showed that natural disaster events revealed disparities in the global levels of insurance penetration. Catastrophic Events of August, 2012 Several natural disasters affected different parts […]

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What should you do if one of your employees fails a drugs test?

October 11, 2012

If one of your employees fails a drug test at work then this is normally cause for concern. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, the employee’s past history at work, and the effect that the failure has on their ability to do their job it may result in you having to dismiss the employee. […]

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New York City Elevators – Are You Safe?

October 8, 2012

(U.S. Law and Generally) Images of New York City are full of soaring skyscrapers punctuating the world’s most famous skyline, and everyday, millions of people make their living in some of the most architecturally sound buildings in the United States. Part of the security of working in a high-rise building is that you are protected […]

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Life Insurance Giants Sanctioned

October 6, 2012

Over the past few years, the ING, MetLife, John Hancock and Prudential insurance companies have encouraged recipients of death benefits to put all of the money in a retained asset accounts. This account is then held by the insurance company as the death benefit recipient gradually withdraws portions of the fund. Insurance companies prefer this […]

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Why good management of health and safety at work is a priority

October 2, 2012

The management of health and safety at work should be an absolute priority for an employer. Employers have a moral as well as a legal duty to care for the health and safety of their employees and should therefore take adequate and reasonable steps to protect the well-being of their employees. What good health and […]

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When and how to suspend an employee

September 30, 2012

If one of your employees is under-performing at work or has been accused of misconduct then you may want to suspend them to prevent any further problems and address the situation. However, the case of Crawford v Suffolk Mental Health Partnership Trust last year highlighted that employers may face litigation if they act unreasonably when […]

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Fiscal Advantages of Establishing an Offshore Company in Cyprus

September 26, 2012

Establishment of offshore companies is a manner less explored by some business enthusiasts. At times entering into one is even feared by some because they are not aware of the numerous advantages it will bring to their business. Little do they know that registering an offshore company is a way of providing financial stability, privacy, […]

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Lawsuit Alleges Union Pacific’s Negligence Led to Train Derailment

September 25, 2012

Burton and Zorine Lindner were  killed on Wednesday, July 4 when a bridge collapsed under the weight of 28 train cars that had derailed. Their family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Union Pacific, alleging that the company was negligent. They argue that Union Pacific failed to conduct proper inspections and maintenance of its […]

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Blowing The Whistle – Implications Of The False Claims Act On A Business

September 24, 2012

(U.S. Law and Generally) Fraud has always been a serious issue in the United States. There is always someone out there who will attempt to defraud any type of governmental program in an effort to turn a profit. To combat this the False Claims Act was passed in an effort to hold those who choose […]

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The Recording Industry Versus the People

September 24, 2012

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)  “” has been making a concerted effort to crack down on illegal file sharing for several years, and they have recently begun placing a big emphasis on thwarting the unsecured wireless defense. From their point-of-view, no one should be allowed to share music files on the Internet without their […]

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